March 11, 2013

Wheat Grass

Wheat grass juice will provide much essential nutrition and improve person’s health by removing wastes that clog your cells, blood, tissues and organs.

Wheat grass term are used to define the young grass of the common wheat plant, Triticum aestivum that can be consumed freshly juiced or dried into powder for animal and human consumption. In both form wheat grass provide chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Wheat grass contains many nutrients and vitamins those are vital for the human body. In the form of fresh juice, it has high concentrations of chlorophyll, active enzymes, vitamins and other compounds. Wheat grass juice has chlorophyll that neutralizes infections, heals wounds, overcomes inflammations and gets rid of parasitic infections. The three important effects of wheat grass on the human body are: blood purification, liver detoxification and colon cleansing. This is because wheat grass juice is an important source of vitamins A, B, C, E and K, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium, sulphur and 17 forms of amino acids.

In order to extract the grass juice, place the fresh wheat grass, soon after cutting it, on a platform or in a pounding basic and crush it well. Then wrap them in a clean and thin piece of cloth and strain the juice out of it. A plastic strainer could also be used for this purpose. If the magnetically treated water is added to it while crushing it, the extraction of juice will be in a greater quantity with its effectiveness is also strengthened. This wheat grass can be also crushed in the electric juicer or mixer also.


A. Vitamin A: It enhances the skin luster and provides glow to the outer skin and makes it disease free. It helps to cure the black spots and blemishes below the eyes and improves the eyesight. It is also helpful in checking the eyes, nose, and throat disorders. It nourishes hair and is helpful in fighting the problems of pollution. Vitamin A is essential for normal growth and development, good eyesight, and reproduction.

B. Vitamin B: It aids digestion. It is helpful in the treatment of digestive disorders, mental, depression,
insomnia, premature aging and anorexia.

C. Vitamin C: Vitamin C is usually associated with citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes and oranges. However, ounce for ounce, wheat grass contains more vitamin C than an orange. A powerful antioxidant, vitamin C is helpful for recovering from sickness (including the common cold) and preventing disease (such as scurvy it is a vital substance for healthy gums and teeth and maintenance of bones. It is essential for health and vitality and healing of sores and wounds. It is also a natural source for antibiotic elements

D. Vitamin E: It dilates the capillaries and enables free flow of the blood. It is helpful for the women during pregnancy, it prevents abortion and it is a helpful substance in the treatment of sexual impotency, diabetes, cancer, heart disorders and dysmenorrheal etc. Without enough of this fat-soluble vitamin, we would face muscle degeneration, sterility, and slower healing of wounds and infections. Vitamin E, an antioxidant and fertility vitamin is also a protector of the heart.

E. Vitamin K and B-complex vitamins- Wheat grass contains a number of other important vitamins. It's rich in vitamin E, vitamin K and B-complex vitamins. Wheat grass is also a source of vitamin B-17, also known as amygdaline, which some studies suggest can help ward off cancer. In addition to these vitamins, wheat grass contains 17 amino acids and 92 different minerals the human body uses and needs. The nutrients in wheat grass are also said to assist in fighting cancer and repairing cellular damage of the lungs.

F. MSM - MSM is a sulfur bearing molecule found in all living organisms destroyed in processed food. It helps our body use vitamins, helps to reduce allergies, helps detoxify the body and increase oxygen, and takes out inflammation. That also contains in wheat grass juice.

G. Proteins and Amino acids: Proteins are essential for muscular strength and physical elegance. Plasmas, hormones and antibodies are obtained through proteins. Amino acids aid digestion, blood formation and provide potency to the heart.

H. Enzymes: Enzymes are the digestive elements. The substances in the Wheat grass juice are helpful for dyspepsia. These are helpful for digestion, building a healthy body and counteract the premature aging.

I. Minerals:

Iron: Iron is an essential element for life. Iron deficiency creates shortage of hemoglobin in blood. It is
helpful in pregnancy, for excessive sweating, pale complexion, laziness and lethargy, and insomnia. Inorganic iron is often constipating, but the iron salts in wheat grass have no side effects.

Calcium: Calcium is the prime instigator of vital activity. It strengthens the bones, it provides alkaline for the children and vitality for old. It is helpful in treatment of the diseases like hemorrhage, distension of body, slow movements, coldness and varicose veins etc. Wheat grass is a good source of calcium, which helps build strong bones and teeth and regulates heartbeat, in addition to acting as a buffer to restore balance to blood pH.

Potassium: Helpful for the radiance and luster of youth, hypertension, dementia, palpitation, tiredness, suicidal instincts and depression etc. Potassium, called the youth mineral by some nutritionists, helps maintain a smooth mineral balance, and balanced body weight. It also tones the muscles, firms the skin, and promotes overall beauty.

Zinc: Helpful in the prostate gland disorders and nourishes hair.

Sodium: Sodium regulates the extra cellular fluid volume. It also regulates the acid-base equilibrium and maintains proper water balance in the body.

Magnesium: You will find about as much magnesium in wheat grass as in broccoli, Brussels’ sprouts, beets, carrots, or celery. Magnesium is important for good muscle function and for bowel health, as it aids eliminative functions. I believe that this mineral is also responsible for drawing fat out of the liver, in cases of fatty infiltration there.

Adapted form Mujoriya, R. (2011). A study on wheat grass and its nutritional value. Food Science and Quality Management, 2, 1-8.

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